
Techno Global Team Receives Great Place to Work®-Certification

Great Place to Work - Techno Global Team

It’s official.

With much excitement, we are thrilled to announce that as of September 2022, Techno Global Team has been officially recognized as a Great Place to Work® by the GPTW Institute Philippines.

This certification is based entirely on our employees’ thoughts and opinions in terms of working at TGT.

This award further signifies our commitment to providing a safe, positive, and inclusive working culture to our current and future employees.

Ever since we were established in 2012, we have stayed true to our vision in creating a good and valuable work culture. This has allowed us to remain on top of our game and provide impeccable services to our clients.

Over the years, we have developed and nurtured a great working environment, and we just want to validate it by making it official.

With or without the certification, we continue to foster a culture built on fairness, value, and trust.  Here at TGT, our employees’ experience is just as valuable and important as we head towards achieving growth in the coming years.

HR Team - Techno Global Team


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